Firstly, I think it is wise to start off with an apology for the previous post as the majority of it made no grammatical sense! I hope you understood it regardless if not sorry! I am hoping this one will make more sense but who knows as it is 2.35 am and I should be writing an essay! Bad times!
I went to a wedding at the weekend which was amazing! During the signing of the register its tradition to have someone sing or a piece of music, well this is the case for the weddings I have been to. At this particular wedding they had 'I can only imagine' by MercyMe which is an awesome song. This got me thinking to my wedding and what song I would like to have. I don't often think about weddings (trust me) and what song I would have during this bit. Actually, I confess the only thing I think of when I think of my wedding is the music so I have all the important bits of music sorted and they aren't up for negotiation haha! I was walking to work I was thinking about this and wondering what song I would choose. I listed categories that the song would have to fit and these are as follows:
- Mean something to me personally and preferably to the groom
- Evangelistic but not overpowering
- Thought provoking
- Slightly emotional--- it is a wedding--I mean its the start of the end really isn't it?!
- Show Love
- Show God's awesomeness
Now to be honest this is quite a lot to ask of one song but it is a do-able, I am convinced. I was thinking of all the songs I can remember and actually accidentally singing out loud whilst walking, I came up with 'This is our God' by Hillsong. I am not the biggest Hillsong music fan when saying this I don't know all their songs and choose to listen to them as I do other Christian music. I first heard the song at Soul Survivor this year and it was my favourite because to me it just summed up God, what he did and continues to do for me. Below are listed the lyrics:
HillsongThis Is Our GodThis Is Our God
Your grace is enough more than I need. At Your word I will believe .I wait for You Draw near again Let Your Spirit make me new
CHORUS:I will fall at Your feet. I will fall at Your feet. And I will worship You here
VERSE 2:Your presence in me Jesus light the way. By the power of Your word I am restored I am redeemed. By Your Spirit I am free
BRIDGE:Freely You gave it all for us Surrendered Your life upon that cross. Great is the love Poured out for all. This is our God. Lifted on high from death to life. Forever our God is glorified. Servant and King Rescued the world. This is our God
Courtesy of:
The reason I think that this sums God up is just because it covers so much. It documents the trinity, talks about the act of grace, talks about worship, talks about God being glorified, talks the bible and finally how grace is all we need. It is so evangelistic it is unreal! If you listen to a recording of this song, particularly off the This is Our God album it is chilling (in a good way). The reason I want it at my wedding is because it covers everything in my list.
Mean something to me personally and preferably to the groom-- It had a massive impact on me
Evangelistic but not overpowering--It displays the gospel in a non-threatening way
Thought provoking--It provokes thought?! haha
Slightly emotional--- it is a wedding--I mean its the start of the end really isn't it?!-- I think its emotional
Show Love--Shows God's love
Show God's awesomeness---The bridge is a clear demonstration of this
God is glorified in this song as well which is something I adore.
One thing that I want to quickly focus on is right at the beginning when it says 'Your Grace is enough more than I need'. This refers to Paul's comments 2 Corinthians 12 when Paul is describing his thorn in his side which is the devil tormenting him. He cries out to God to get rid of it but God's reply is this v.9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness". We try and fulfill out lives with so many things, materialistic, emotional, physical and everything else. We are asked what we want for our birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries. My entire wardrobe is full of things that I wanted. I was wondering through Asda searching for treacle for Mummy Cross and I was wondering passed all of these items thinking do we actually need any of this? I met a guy at a pub in Wales and he got his children to watch the adverts during Coronation Street one day and write down anything they saw that they needed. At the end of the break their papers were blank. We are told we need the latest fashion, the newest I-phone and car but do we really? Yes, they may make things easier or make us look good but do we need them? I haven't had a phone for 3 months, at this point it would be good to point out that this is not because of choice before you go think I am some amazing person. One thing I have realised that my phone isn't a necessity it is something that makes life that little bit easier but it is something I need. Ok, fair enough its irritating for my friends at times but it hasn't stopped friendships.
When God said to Paul 'my grace is sufficient for you' its like God saying 'It'll do'. We need nothing else but Grace. With Grace God will give us what we need and not always what we want. That's not because God wants to be unhappy but because if we had everything we wanted then we would be spoilt. Think about when your parents said no to things that you could of had, its not because they don't love you its because they want to make sure you grow up well-rounded and thankful. Paul had a massive problem but when God said his grace is enough it was because God was going to be glorified in Paul's weakness. So when we are struggling or we think we need that top from Topshop or the next I-phone and then we can't afford it or our struggles don't seem to be going away, remind yourself that His grace is sufficient and it will do. With this is mind we will able to 'fall at his feet' understanding how amazing Grace really is and he will be glorified.
Thanks...all done....apologises it was so long. I never intend it to be but once I get going you know.....
Until next time!!