Wednesday 9 April 2008

Oit You! Believe in Jesus or Else?!


I thought the title itself might cause a bit controversy but is the wrong way to evangelise?

Sooo I am on the topic of evangelism. A word which scares some and excites others. Is there a correct way to evangelise?

I have friends who would only ever mention they go to church if asked and some who try to inject Jesus into pretty much every sentence. Which one is advancing the kingdom? Are they both or are they both pushing people further and further away?

Questions, Questions, Questions...Answers, Answers, Answers.

In Matthew 28 it is titled as the Great Commission. The words commission can also mean assignment. Its like Jesus is our MI5 boss giving us a mission, if we chose to accept. He says in Matt28
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations"

Firstly, 'therefore go' is like an immediate start. It doesn't say ok wait and if you fancy it. Its a command. The therefore is after Jesus tells his disciples that he has the authority and power of Heaven and Earth so therefore go. If Jesus was our MI5 its like them saying I have the authority of Gordon Brown and the whole of the house of commons. The authority of heaven and earth so because he has that authority he has the right to tell us what to do now. Now that his physical presence is no longer there what do we do while we wait for him to return.

The next think Jesus wants his disciples to do is to baptise them. This is to make sure people show a public declaration of their faith, a genuine faith.

Finally he tells them to teach them. Often we too often think that as long as they say that little prayer our job is done! Woohoo! Thats 6 converts this week! Beat that J John! Jesus says that we need to make sure that the people we are evangelise to we are teaching them as well not just saying that prayer. If it means become their discipler or making sure they know what they are confirming to.

I am currently reading Acts because I have never fully read it and I am interested in the early church. I think the people who started the early church were the ultimate post-Jesus evangelist. I think the key thing they achieved when Evangelising was adapting to their surroundings. They used the circumstances, they seized their opportunities. When Peter heals a beggar in the early part of the book he uses that to glorify god and to make known why they are doing what they are doing in a apt way. when offered money they refuse as they are doing it for God not for money. (Acts 3). Straight after he gives the J John evangelistic preach the crowd. Even in the face of persecution they are proclaiming Jesus' name.
To make sure we are ensuring that we are good evangelists we need to ensure we are seizing opportunities and adapting to our surroundings.

Do we ignore or not notice opportunities?

There are so many times that I could have explored the gospel with someone but not because I didn't notice or I simply couldn't be bothered. It is shameful to think that I could have helped the conversion of someone but didn't because I was worried what they would think or because I wasn't in the mood to express the work of Christ.
Jesus says in Luke 9:26 says that 'if anyone is ashamed of me and my words the son of man will be ashamed of them'
Even as we get older we can be ashamed of what we believe in, maybe due to the fear of not being accepted or simply because people might laugh at you. I honestly believe them people that we fear are those that need to be evangelised to the most.

I think that sometimes we ignore and are ignorant to opportunities but I challenge you to be more aware of these situations and opportunities because you maybe the only Jesus they will ever see.

What makes a good evangelism?

Is the day of the street preacher over? What about door knocking?
I personally think street preachers are not very successful. However, I may be wrong! Please prove to me that I am. Sometimes Christian get a bad rep from street preachers. Especially the guys that stand in London, I once got told that I was going to hell because I had ignored him. Then another time when I replied preaching to the converted I got a massive hallelujah screamed at me, so I have learnt a friendly nod is all that is needed. There are some street preachers who work very hard and seem to get a very keen audience and Jesus often spoke to big groups about his work as did the apostles in Acts.
However, Jesus often just hung out with people. Just loving them and I personally believe this is the best form of evangelism. Just to love. The gospel and the act of salvation is love and the reason Jesus died was to satisfy God's wrath, he was annoyed because he loves us so much, so why not just show that. If we show love it leads to questions. If we just share at the beginning of friendships that we are Christian people will be respectful and we can just love them hoping God will one day lead to an opportunity.

Ephesians 5:1
'1Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us'

This is a long blog so I am going to go but I don't think I am finished on Evangelism..
I think I just need to be more aware of the opportunities and not be afraid to evangelise.

Till next time! xxx

p.s. I haven't proof read because its 2am so apologises for any grammar mistake!

1 comment:

Tom Wade said...

Check you out - new design AND blogging at 2 in the morning...

Your in girlfriend.